CEN Publications


Goode DJ, Whitaker EE, Mecum NE. 卵巢切除术增加雌鼠紫杉醇诱导的机械超敏反应,减少雌鼠背根神经节中抗炎CD4+ T细胞. J Neuroimmunol. 2022;367:577878.

Sullivan C, Lee J, Bushey W, Demers D, Dinsdale S, Lowe K, Olmeda J, Meng ID. Evidence for a phenotypic switch in corneal afferents after lacrimal gland excision. Exp Eye Res. 2022 Feb; May ;218:109005.

Townsend K, Imbert I, Eaton V, Stevenson GW, King T. 在大鼠晚期骨关节炎疼痛模型中,自愿运动阻断持续疼痛并减少骨重塑,同时保留保护性机械疼痛. Pain.2013年3月1日;16 (3):476- 487.

Karamchedu NP, Fleming BC, Proffen BL, Sant NJ, Portilla G, Parola LR, Molino J, Murray MM. 绝育影响细胞外基质-血液复合材料治疗创伤后骨关节炎大鼠模型的疗效. J Orthop Res. 2022年3月,40 (3):573 - 583.

Green E, Barlow D, Rostama B, Berkner P, May M. Predictive Values of Whole Campus Wastewater Surveillance for SARS-CoV-2. 酒吧健康代表年鉴. 2022 Feb; 6 (1): 254-255.


Stackhouse SK, Sweitzer BA, McClure PW. The effect of experimental shoulder pain on contralateral muscle force and activation. 物理理论与实践. 2021年11月,37 (11):1227 - 1234. 

McParland A, Moulton J, Brann C, Hale C, Otis Y, Ganter G. The brinker repressor system regulates injury-induced nociceptive sensitization in 黑腹果蝇Mol Pain. 2021;17:17448069211037401.

Mecum NE, Russell R, Lee J, Sullivan C, Meng ID. Nav1的光遗传抑制作用.8 Expressing Corneal Afferents Reduces Persistent Dry Eye Pain. 投资眼科视觉科学. 2021年11月1日;62(14):15.

Anthony M. Cassandra A . Cirrincione. Reimonn, Benjamin J Harrison et al. 紫杉醇诱导周围神经病变小鼠皮肤和DRG神经元的纵向RNA测序. 11 October 2021, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square.

Davis SM, Burman MA. 母性分离与新生儿疼痛影响雄性和雌性大鼠的晚年恐惧条件反射和躯体感应Stress. 2021;24(5):504-513.

伊丽莎Grlickova-Duzevik, Merilla Michael, 艾丹McGrath-Conwell, Peter Neufeld, Thomas M Reimonn, Derek C Molliver, Benjamin J Harrison. CUGBP elav样rna结合蛋白家族的成员在初级感觉神经元的不同群体中表达. bioRxiv 2021.07.05.451166.

Arabatzis TJ, Wakley AA, McLane VD, Canonico D, Cao L. Effects of HIV gp120 on Neuroinflammation in Immunodeficient vs. 免疫活性的状态. [J]神经免疫药物. 2021年6月,16 (2):437 - 453. 

Payne E, Harrington K, Richard P, Brackin R, Davis R, Couture S, Liff J, Asmus F, Mutina E, Fisher A, Giuvelis D, Sannajust S, Rostama B, King T, Mattei LM, Lee JJ, Friedman ES, Bittinger K, May M, Stevenson GW. 万古霉素对雌性Fischer大鼠持续疼痛刺激和疼痛抑制行为的影响. J Pain. 2021 May 21;. 

Davis SM, Zuke JT, Berchulski MR, Burman MA. 杏仁核促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子信号是新生儿疼痛后行为障碍的必要条件. Front Physiol. 2021年5月11日;12:660792.

Beckley JT, Pajouhesh H, Luu G, Klas S, Delwig A, Monteleone D, Zhou X, Giuvelis D, Meng ID, Yeomans DC, Hunter JC, Mulcahy JV. Antinociceptive properties of an isoform-selective inhibitor of Nav1.7 derived from saxitoxin in mouse models of pain. Pain. 2011年4月1日;32 (4):1250-1261. 

好DJ, Molliver DC. Regulation of Mitochondrial Function by Epac2 Contributes to Acute Inflammatory Hyperalgesia. J Neurosci. 2021 3月31日;41(13):2883-2898. 

Nguyen LD, Nolte LG, Tan WJT, Giuvelis D, Santos-Sacchi J, Bilsky E, Ehrlich BE. Comprehensive somatosensory and neurological phenotyping of NCS1 knockout mice. Sci Rep. 2021年1月27日;11(1):2372.


Davis SM, Burman MA. 母性分离与新生儿疼痛影响雄性和雌性大鼠的晚年恐惧条件反射和躯体感应. Stress. 2020 Oct 12;:1-10.

Mecum NE, Demers D, Sullivan CE, Denis TE, Kalliel JR, Meng ID. Lacrimal gland excision in male and female mice causes ocular pain and anxiety-like behaviors. Sci Rep. 2020年10月14日;10(1):17225.

Stevenson GW, Giuvelis D, Cormier J, Cone K, Atherton P, Krivitsky R, Warner E, St Laurent B, Dutra J, Bidlack JM, Szabò L, Polt R, Bilsky EJ. 混合作用三角洲选择性阿片受体激动剂BBI-11008的行为药理学研究, inflammatory and neuropathic pain, respiration, 自我用药. 精神药理学(Berl). 2020年4月,237 (4):1195 - 1208.

Davis SM, Rice M, Burman MA. 在啮齿动物模型中,炎症性新生儿疼痛破坏了母亲的行为和随后的恐惧条件反射. Dev Psychobiol. 2020年1月,62 (1):88 - 98.

Fitzsimons LA, Brewer VL, Forrester J, Moran AM, Tucker KL. Noninvasive Electrocardiography in the Perinatal Mouse. J Vis Exp. 2020;(160):10.3791/61074. 2020年6月12日发布.


Stefanucci A, Dimmito MP, Macedonio G, Ciarlo L, Pieretti S, Novellino E, Lei W, Barlow D, Houseknecht KL, Streicher JM, Mollica A. Potent, Efficacious, 外周给药后具有长效抗痛觉作用的稳定的环状阿片肽. J Med Chem. 2019 Dec 27. 

Beauchemin M, Geguchadze R, Guntur AR, Nevola K, Le PT, Barlow D, Rue M, Vary CPH, Lary CW, Motyl KJ, Houseknecht KL. 探索抗精神病药物增加心血管疾病风险的机制:利培酮改变小鼠心脏蛋白质组学特征. Pharmacol Res. 2019年12月23日;152:104589. 

Huynh PN, Giuvelis D, Christensen S, Tucker KL, McIntosh JM. RgIA4 Accelerates Recovery from Paclitaxel-Induced Neuropathic Pain in Rats.
Mar Drugs. 2019 Dec 21;18(1). 

Mustafa R, Kreiner G, Kamińska K, Wood AJ, Kirsch J, Tucker KL, Parlato R. 亨廷顿氏病小鼠临床前模型中多巴胺感觉神经元初级纤毛的靶向缺失. Front Cell Neurosci. 2019 Dec 20;13:565. 

Eckenrode BJ, Kietrys DM, Stackhouse SK. Pain sensitivity in chronic achilles tendinopathy. 国际体育体育协会. 2019年12月,14 (6):945 - 956.

Eaton VE, Pettit S, Elkinson A, Houseknecht KL, King TE, May M. Polymicrobial abscess following ovariectomy in a mouse. BMC Vet Res. 2019 10月24日;15(1):364.

Stackhouse SK, Sweitzer BA, McClure PW. The effect of experimental shoulder pain on contralateral muscle force and activation. 物理理论与实践. 2019 Nov 7:1-8.

Loyd BJ, Burrows K, Forster JE, Stackhouse SK, Hogan C, Stevens-Lapsley JE. 全膝关节置换术后下肢肿胀单频生物电阻抗评估的可靠性和准确性. 物理理论与实践. 2019 May 29:1-7.

Knight BE, Kozlowski N, Havelin J, King T, Crocker SJ, Young EE, Baumbauer KM. TIMP-1通过mmp依赖性和受体介导的细胞信号传导机制减轻炎症性疼痛的发展. Front Mol Neurosci. 2019 Sep 20;12:220.

Rieder CA, Rieder J, Sannajust S, Goode D, Geguchadze R, Relich RF, Molliver DC, King TE, Vaughn J, May M. A Novel Mechanism for Zika Virus Host-Cell Binding. Viruses. 2019 Nov 28;11(12).

Sannajust S, Imbert I, Eaton V, Henderson T, Liaw L, May M, Barbe MF, King T. 在颞下颌关节疼痛的大鼠模型中,女性更容易发生持续的疼痛和中枢致敏. Pain. 2019年9月,160 (9):2036 - 2049.

Zuke JT, Rice M, Rudlong J, Paquin T, Russo E, Burman MA. 急性新生儿疼痛对啮齿动物模型促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素表达和幼年焦虑的影响. eNeuro. 2019 Oct 10;6(6).

Mecum NE, Cyr D, Malon J, Demers D, Cao L, Meng ID. Evaluation of Corneal Damage After Lacrimal Gland Excision in Male and Female Mice. 投资眼科视觉科学. 2019年8月1日;60(10):3264-3274.

Blaszkiewicz M, Willows JW, Dubois AL, Waible S, Johnson CP, DiBello K, Lyons LL, Breeding WP, Tilbury KB, Michael M, Harrison BJ, Townsend K. Neuropathy and neural plasticity in the subcutaneous white adipose depot. BioRxiv. http://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/480095v1.full

Hatta A, Kurose M, Sullivan C, Okamoto K, Fujii N, Yamamura K, Meng ID. Dry eye sensitizes cool cells to capsaicin-induced changes in activity via TRPV1. J Neurophysiol. 2019 Apr 10.

Meng ID, Barton ST, Goodney I, Russell R, Mecum NE. Progesterone Application to the Rat Forehead Produces Corneal Antinociception. 投资眼科视觉科学. 2019年4月1日;60(5):1706-1713.

Harrison BJ, Park JW, Gomes C, Petruska JC, Sapio MR, Iadarola MJ, Chariker JH, Rouchka EC. 使用CSI-UTR检测3'非翻译区域内差异表达的切割位点间隔揭示受调节的相互作用基序. Front Genet. 2019 Mar 12;10:182.

Loyd BJ, Stackhouse S, Dayton M, Hogan C, Bade M, Stevens-Lapsley J. The relationship between lower extremity swelling, quadriceps strength, and functional performance following total knee arthroplasty. Knee. 2019年3月26日(2):382-391.

好DJ, Molliver DC. Phospho-substrate profiling of Epac-dependent protein kinase C activity. Mol Cell Biochem. 2019 Feb 9.

Bove GM, Delany SP, Hobson L, et al. Manual therapy prevents onset of nociceptor activity, 感觉运动功能障碍, and neural fibrosis induced by a volitional repetitive task. Pain. 2019; 160:632-644.


Havelin J, King T. Mechanisms Underlying Bone and Joint Pain. Curr Osteoporos Rep. 2018年12月,16 (6):763 - 771.

Gjelsvik KJ, Follansbee TL, Ganter GK. 骨形态发生蛋白玻璃底船蛋白(BMP5/6/7/8)及其受体Wishful Thinking (BMPRII)在果蝇损伤性异常性疼痛中发挥着重要作用. Mol Pain. 2018 Jan-Dec; 14:1744806918802703.

Wakley AA, Leeming R, Malon JT, Arabatzis TJ, Yuen Koh W, Cao L. Contribution of CD137L to Sensory Hypersensitivity in a Murine Model of Neuropathic Pain. eNeuro. 2018 Nov 8;5(5).

科尔ZY,皮尔波因特LA,罗森JM. Epidemiology of Concussions in High School Boys' Ice Hockey, 2008/09 to 2016/17 School Years. Clin J Sport Med. 2018 Nov 16.

Bove GM, Delany SP, Hobson L, Cruz GE, Harris MY, Amin M, Chapelle SL, Barbe MF. Manual therapy prevents onset of nociceptor activity, 感觉运动功能障碍, and neural fibrosis induced by a volitional repetitive task. Pain. 2018 Nov 16.

Davis SM, Rice M, Rudlong J, Eaton V, King T, Burman MA. 新生儿疼痛和压力破坏了大鼠晚年的巴甫洛夫恐惧条件反射和感觉功能:两击模型的证据. Dev. Psychobiol. 2018年7月,60 (5):520 - 533.

Edwards KA, Havelin JJ, Mcintosh MI, Ciccone HA, Pangilinan K, Imbert I, Largent-Milnes TM, King T, Vanderah TW, Streicher JM. A Kappa Opioid Receptor Agonist Blocks Bone Cancer Pain Without Altering Bone Loss, Tumor Size, or Cancer Cell Proliferation in a Mouse Model of Cancer-Induced Bone Pain. J Pain. 2018年6月,19 (6):612 - 625.

Cone K, Lanpher J, Kinens A, Richard P, Couture S, Brackin R, Payne E, Harrington K, Rice KC, Stevenson GW. 阿片受体在操作性条件反射中对疼痛抑制反应和药物诱导的速率抑制的相互作用:雄性Sprague Dawley大鼠治疗指数的评估. 精神药理学(Berl). 235年5月,2018 (5):1609 - 1618.

Satkeviciute I, Goodwin G, Bove GM, Dilley A. Time course of ongoing activity during neuritis and following axonal transport disruption. J Neurophysiol. 2018年5月1日;119(5):1993-2000.

Malon JT, Shah P, Koh WY, Cattabriga G, Li E, and Cao L. 使用缅因州所有付款人索赔数据库表征缅因州慢性疼痛患者的人口统计学特征. BMC Public Health. 2018. 18:810.

Cao L, Malon JT. CXCL1在小鼠周围神经损伤性神经性疼痛模型中的抗伤害作用. Neuroscience. 2018 Jan 6. pii: s0306 - 4522 (17) 30938 - 7.

Kopruszinski CM, Dos Reis RC, Gambeta E, Acco A, Rae GA, King T, Chichorro JG.阻断内皮素受体可减少肿瘤诱导的持续疼痛,并在大鼠面部癌诱导的疼痛模型中诱发过敏反应. Eur J Pharmacol. 2018年1月5日;818:132-140.

Marchesseault ER, Nguyen D, Spahr L, Beals C, Razak B, Rosene JM. Head impacts and cognitive performance in men's lacrosse. Phys Sportsmed. 2018年9月,46 (3):324 - 300.

Rosene JM, Kerr Z. NCAA一级和三级男子和女子冰球运动员脑震荡率的比较:回应. Am J Sports Med. 2018年4月,46 (5):NP11-NP12.


Saka E, Harrison BJ, West K, Petruska JC, Rouchka EC. 基于感兴趣的功能区域,用于重新分析公开可用Affymetrix®GeneChip®数据集的框架. BMC Genomics. 2017年12月6日;18日(增刊10):875. 

Motyl KJ, Beauchemin M, Barlow D, Le PT, Nagano K, Treyball A, Contractor A, Baron R, Rosen CJ, Houseknecht KL. 多巴胺信号在非典型抗精神病药物利培酮引起雌性小鼠骨质流失的发病机制中的新作用. Bone. 2017年10月,103:168 - 176. 

Carlson LA, Lawrence MA, Kenefick RW. Hydration Status and Thermoregulatory Responses in Drivers During Competitive Racing. J Strength Cond Res. 2017 Oct 7. [印前Epub]

Govea RM, Barbe MF, ve GM. IV组伤害感受器在神经炎期间和用长春碱治疗坐骨神经后发生轴突化学敏感性. J Neurophysiol. 2017年10月1日;18(4):2103-2109.

McLane VD, Bergquist I, Cormier J, Barlow DJ, Houseknecht KL, Bilsky EJ, Cao L. 通过缓释吗啡微丸或渗透泵长期给药:血浆浓度, analgesia, and naloxone-precipitated withdrawal. Life Sci. 2017 Sep 15;185:1-7. 

Follansbee TL, Gjelsvik KJ, Brann CL, McParland AL, Longhurst CA, Galko MJ, Ganter GK. Drosophila Nociceptive Sensitization Requires BMP Signaling via the Canonical SMAD Pathway. J Neurosci. 2017年8月30日;37(35):8524-8533. 

Cormier J, Cone K, Lanpher J, Kinens A, Henderson T, Liaw L, Bilsky EJ, King T, Rosen CJ, Stevenson GW. 在骨关节炎大鼠模型中,运动逆转疼痛相关的体重不对称,并差异性调节骨小梁骨微结构. Life Sci. 2017 Jul 1;180:51-59. 

Xie JY, De Felice M, Kopruszinski CM, Eyde N, LaVigne J, Remeniuk B, Hernandez P, Yue X, Goshima N, Ossipov M, King T, Streicher JM, Navratilova E, Dodick D, Rosen H, Roberts E, Porreca F. Kappa opioid receptor antagonists: A possible new class of therapeutics for migraine prevention. Cephalalgia. 2017年7月,37 (8):780 - 794. 

Carlson LA, Fowler C, Lawrence MA. Agility and Vertical Jump Performances Are Impacted by Acute Cool Exposure. J Strength Cond Res. 2017 Jul 8. [印前Epub]

Allen J, Imbert I, Havelin J, Henderson T, Stevenson G, Liaw L, King T. Effects of Treadmill Exercise on Advanced Osteoarthritis Pain in Rats. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2017年7月,69 (7):1407 - 1417. 

Dzieweczynski TL, GreaneyNE, Portrais KB, and Stevens MA. I remember you: female Siamese fighting fish recognize prior social partners. Behaviour. 2017. 154: 19 – 35.

Dzieweczynski TL, Kane JL. The bachelorette: Female Siamese fighting fish avoid males exposed to an estrogen mimic. 行为过程. July 2017. 140: 169-173.

Lei W, Mullen N, McCarthy S, Brann C, Richard P, Cormier J, Edwards K, Bilsky EJ, Streicher JM. 热休克蛋白90 (Hsp90)通过ERK丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)机制促进小鼠脑内阿片诱导的抗伤害感受. J Biol Chem. 2017年6月23日;292(25):10414-10428. 

Bove GM, Chapelle SL, Hanlon KE, Diamond MP, Mokler DJ. Attenuation of postoperative adhesions using a modeled manual therapy. PLoS One. 2017年6月2日;12(6):e0178407.

Lawrence MA, Leib DJ, Ostrowski SJ, Carlson LA. Nonlinear Analysis of an Unstable Bench Press Bar Path and Muscle Activation. J Strength Cond Res. 2017年5月,31 (5):1206 - 1211.

Carlson LA, Lawrence MA, LeCavalier K, Koch AJ. Salivary Lymphocyte Responses Following Acute Anaerobic Exercise in a Cool Environment. J Strength Cond Res. 2017年5月,31 (5):1236 - 1240.

我爱GM, Chapelle SL, Boyle E, Mokler DJ, Hartvigsen J. A Novel Method for Evaluating Postoperative Adhesions in Rats. J Invest Surg. 2017 Apr;30(2):88-94.

Ostrowski SJ, Carlson LA, Lawrence MA. Effect of an Unstable Load on Primary and Stabilizing Muscles During the Bench Press. J Strength Cond Res. 2017年2月,31 (2):430 - 434.

Rosene JM, Raksnis B, Silva B, Woefel T, Visich PS, Dompier TP, Kerr ZY. NCAA一级和三级男子和女子冰球运动员脑震荡率的比较. Am J Sports Med. 2017年9月,45 (11):2622 - 2629.


Malon JT, Cao L. Preparation of Primary Mixed Glial Cultures from Adult Mouse Spinal Cord Tissue. J. Vis. Exp. 2016 (117), e54801.

Hitomi S, Kross K, Kurose M, Porreca F, Meng ID. 吗啡戒断所致三叉神经硬脑膜敏感神经元活化及c-Fos蛋白升高. Cephalalgia. 2016 May 6. pii: 0333102416648655.

Dzieweczynski TL, and LaMonica HJ. 像你想的那样求爱:雄性暹罗斗鱼不太注意向接触过雌激素模拟物的雄性求爱. Ethology. 15 November 2016. 122: 991–998.

Gazea M, Tasouri E, Heigl T, Bosch V, Tucker KL, Blaess S. 初级纤毛控制中脑多巴胺能神经发生的关键时空窗口的定义. 神经发生(奥斯丁). 2016年10月20日;3(1):e1248206. 

Molliver DC, Rau KK, Jankowski MP, Soneji DJ, Baumbauer KM, Koerber HR. 小鼠ATP/UTP受体P2Y2的缺失改变了多模态皮肤传入的机械和热反应特性. Neuroscience. 2016年9月22日;332:223-30.

Malon JT, Cao L. 降钙素基因相关肽通过CCL5和p38途径参与周围神经损伤引起的机械超敏反应. J Neuroimmunol. 2016年8月15日;29:68-75.

Fischer LK, McGaughy JA, Bradshaw SE, Weissner WJ, Amaral AC, Rosene DL, Mokler DJ, Fitzmaurice GM, Galler JR. Prenatal protein level impacts homing behavior in Long-Evans rat pups. Nutr Neurosci. 2016年6月,19 (5):187 - 95.

Verenna AA, Alexandru D, Karimi A, Brown JM, Bove GM, Daly FJ, Pastore AM, Pearson HE, Barbe MF. Dorsal Scapular Artery Variations and Relationship to the Brachial Plexus, and a Related Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Case. J Brachial Plex Peripher Nerve Inj. 2016年5月10日;11(1):e21-e28.

Havelin J, Imbert I, Cormier J, Allen J, Porreca F, King T. 晚期骨关节炎大鼠模型持续疼痛的中枢致敏和神经病变特征. J Pain. 2016年3月,17 (3):374 - 82.

Zhang Y, Williams DA, Zaidi SA, Yuan Y, Braithwaite A, Bilsky EJ, Dewey WL, Akbarali HI, Streicher JM, Selley DE.17-Cyclopropylmethyl-3,14β-dihydroxy-4,5α-epoxy-6β-(4'-pyridylcarboxamido)morphinan (NAP). Modulating the Mu Opioid Receptor in a Biased Fashion. ACS Chem Neurosci. 2016年3月16日;7(3):297-304. 

Deal AL, Erickson KJ, Shiers SI, Burman MA. 在大鼠生命的第三和第四周,边缘系统的发展是经典恐惧条件反射出现的基础. Behav Neurosci. 2016年4月,130 (2):212 - 30.

Peter CJ, Fischer LK, Kundakovic M, Garg P, Jakovcevski M, Dincer A, Amaral AC, Ginns EI, Galdzicka M, Bryce CP, Ratner C, Waber DP, Mokler DJ, Medford G, Champagne FA, Rosene DL, McGaughy JA, Sharp AJ, Galler JR, Akbarian S. 早期儿童营养不良与注意力和认知障碍相关的DNA甲基化特征. Biol Psychiatry. 2016.

Harasawa I, Johansen JP, Fields HL, Porreca F, Meng ID. 选择性消融表达多阿片受体的神经元后,吻侧腹内侧髓质的改变. Pain. 2016年1月,157 (1):166 - 73.


Amaral AC, Jakovcevski M, McGaughy JA, Calderwood SK, Mokler DJ, Rushmore RJ, Galler JR, Akbarian SA, Rosene DL. Prenatal protein malnutrition decreases KCNJ3 and 2DG activity in rat prefrontal cortex. Neuroscience. 2015 Feb 12;286:79-86.

Duncan JR, Garland M, Stark RI, Myers MM, Fifer WP, Mokler DJ, Kinney HC. 产前尼古丁暴露选择性地影响胎儿狒狒初级和联合视觉皮层中尼古丁受体的表达. Brain Pathol. 2015 Mar; 25(2):171-81. 

Bove GM. A non-invasive method to evaluate gastrointestinal transit behavior in rat. [J]药理学与毒物学方法. 2015 Jul-Aug;74:1-6. 

Motyl KJ, DeMambro VE, Barlow D, Olshan D, Nagano K, Baron R, Rosen CJ, Houseknecht KL. Propranolol Attenuates Risperidone-Induced Trabecular Bone Loss in Female Mice. Endocrinology. 2015年7月,156 (7):2374 - 83.

郭国强,郭国强,郭国强. Comment on: A critical evaluation of the trigger point phenomenon: reply. 风湿病学(牛津). 2015年6月,54 (6):1127 - 8.

McParland AL, Follansbee TL, Ganter GK. Measurement of larval activity in the Drosophila Activity Monitor. Journal of Visualized Experiments. J Vis Exp. 2015. 30;(98):e52684.

Meng ID, Barton ST, Mecum NE, Kurose M. Corneal sensitivity following lacrimal gland excision in the rat. 投资眼科视觉科学. 2015年5月,56 (5):3347 - 54.

Remeniuk B, Sukhtankar D, Okun A, Navratilova E, Xie JY, King T, Porreca F. Behavioral and Neurochemical Analysis of Ongoing Bone Cancer Pain in Rats. Pain. 2015年10月,156 (10):1864 - 73.

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